Selasa, 07 Februari 2012

Unyu unyuu

Lagi suka yang unyuu unyuu (^_^)
-pensil yang unyuu
-pulpen yang unyuu
-penghapus yang unyuu
-buku yang unyuu
-gambar gambar yang unyuu
-foto foto Taecyeon  yang unyuu jg
Pokoknya serba UNYUU deh (tau kn unyuu itu ap)
(Kalau perlu sama cowok yang unyuu juga) haha

Hari pertama punya brang unyuu (cwok tidak termasuk)
*Di sekolahh
 proses belajar mengajar pun di mulai, terjadilah dialog :
teman :hah? gue ga salah liat kn jov?lu pake pulpen sma pensil kayak gtu. udh kyak anak TK aja lu!! (pdahal ppupen sma pensilnya ga lebay lebayb bgt -___- )

aku : ya gapp kn lucuu (dlam hatinya gondok (-__-) )
hari kedua :
teman : ish ish kayak bocah lu
Hari ketiga :
teman : sok imut lu pake pulpen gituan !
aku : hanya bisa diam
Hari berikutnya sampai Hari ke7 :
teman : Eh jov gue jd pngen pulpen sma pensil yg unyuu jg kyak punya lu
aku : hah ga slah denger ? yaudh, beli di intermedia aja ntar aku tmenin!! (dlam hati meraja lela kesenengaan , karna tmen" pda kmakan omngannya sendiri HAHAHA )

*bla~bla~bla~bla~bla .......
dan seterusnyaaa blaa blaa blaa

#udh ah capek, sbnernya sih msih bnyak yg blum di tulis .
Bye Bye tunggu cerita ku selanjutnya yaa

Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

My Dream High

Dream High

I dream, when its hard
I close my eyes
While I imagine that moment
I get up

I shake at the end of fear
Afraid of falling
Like a baby bird who cant fly up

Can I do it
Will my dream come true
One by one my walking goes
When I get afraid

I Dream High, I dream
When I’m tired I close my eyes
I keep imagining that dream
While I get up

I can fly high, I belive that
I can go up in that sky
Open my wings
Fly freely up more then anyone

I need courage
That will stand the fallen me
I dust the dust, Courage that will stand me
And jump once a again

Belive in myself once more
Belive in my faith
Bet everything, and im going to jump
A wall taller then me

I dream high, i dream
When im tired i close my eyes
Imagning that my dream
Will come true while i (again) get up

I can fly high, i belive that
I can go up in that sky
Open my wings and (i’m) going to fly
More freely than anyone has

Dream high

A chance to fly high
Bye bye to the hurts
Fly high like the stars in the sky
Open your dreams

Time for you to shine
Starting Now
Gotta make em mine
Dont be afraid of the future
In you hands
Walk in confidance now
You can’t stop

Destiney now
Whole new fantasy is open
In front of your eyes
So hold my hand now
Our stop is the same now
Dont give up on your dreams
When your young dream high everyone

I dream high, i dream
When im tired i close my eyes
Imagine the dream coming true
While getting up

I can fly high, i belive that
I can go up in that sky
Open my wings and fly high
freely then anyone else